How to express semantic geographic information

Relevant information for “montagne sicure” project


w3c riflette su un formato XML per geo informazioni
(sarebbe forse importante iscriversi a questa mailing list)

The purpose of this meeting is to explore various possible RDF
vocabularies for describing geographical information, such as latitude
and longitude, addresses, points and areas and paths between them,
using specific examples and usecases such as describing the location of
a restaurant, or descibing a journey. and nearby is being used for notes on these topics.

alcuni link interessanti trovati qui: (incontro virtuale del 18 maggio)

BlogmapperTM – map your blog and blog your map

look at the graffiti example
(people post info and geolocation of blogs when they found them on newyork city)

un formato consigliato dal sito w3c


discussion about restaurant recommendations

a format is suggested and a free to be written database is being created

Let’s take a look at Chef Moz, both as a dataset, and as an RDF vocabulary. Here is a restaurant description from Chef Moz, with some minor changes (detailed below):

Note that we don’t have lat/long or timezone info here. Perhaps CityLookup or other GeoInfo tools can help? (and how would we distinguish between knowing the lat/long of a specific venue, versus general lat/long for a city it is in?).
<r:RDF xmlns:r=””
   <d:title>Casa Sudaca</d:title>
   <Address>25 Zetland Road</Address>
   <Country>United Kingdom</Country>
   <Phone>(0117) 944 6304</Phone>
   <Zip>BS6 7AH</Zip>
   <Hours>daily 6.30pm-11pm</Hours>

   <AccessibilityNotes>there are small
   <Price>#5.01 – #15.00</Price>
   <Cuisine>Latin American</Cuisine>
   <Accepts>Diners’ Club</Accepts>
   <Accepts>Japan Credit Bureau</Accepts>
   <Accepts>Carte Blanche</Accepts>


si potrebbe pensare che i vari utenti della comunita’ siano collegati con jabber via instant messaging
(in quersto caso le info possono essere georeferenziate)
[programma open source super figo!]
guardate il video della demo




un incredibile internazionale sito in cui una comunita’ di persone gioca a nascondersi delle scatole (e altro), poi le georeferenzia e ognuno deve cercarle: una sorta di caccia al tesoro tecnologica (ovviamente si va giu’ di gps tracker eccetera)
si interfaccia ad alcuni siti che offrono mappe

esempio (uno dei piu’ vicini a trento, sopra cles credo)
Ai piedi del Lago Smeraldo Close to Lago Smeraldo

Ottima cache per una giornata in relax, facile da trovare.. anche se le coordinate non coincidono con la cache.
Si trova ai piedi del Lago Smeraldo, a Fondo, nella bellissima Val di Non,facilmente raggiungibile in automobile.
Le coordinate vi porteranno non solo al piccolo lago, ma piu precisamente all’inizio di un piccolo sentiero che inizia sul bordo del lago e segue il fiumiciattolo che ne esce.. si chiama passo del burrone.. chiamato cosi perche in mezzo a due pareti di roccia dove probabilmente il vostro GPS non ricevera’ segnale.. niente paura.. il percorso e’ uno solo e semplice.. scendete le scalette in metallo e proseguite per la passerella che passa a fianco alle piccole cascate del torrente. fino ad arrivare al sentiero che affianca il fiume.. godetevi la piccola
passeggiata fino ad arrivare ad un vecchio mulino ad acqua appoggiato da un lato alla parete rocciosa..

Very good cache for a relaxing day, easy to find..
even if the coordinates don’t indicate the cache..
the Cache is close to the Lago Smeraldo, Fondo, In the wonderful Val di Non. Easy to reach with car.
The coordinates will guide you until the small lake, and more precisely, to th e beginning of a little walkway, called passo del burrone, in between 2 walls of rock.. Your GPS probably will not be able to receive any signal over there.. NO FEAR! the walkway is one and easy! just follow the stairs and the little bridges passing over the little waterfalls of the river until reaching a little track.. follow the track and the river until reaching a nice watermill…


fetch geourl enabled pages and assemble them


fetch geourl enabled pages and assemble them


database of known IP-location couples
(commercial, funny thing)


Find out where all of your visitors are from, as they pin their location on a map on your Website. Mouse over the icons to see visitors comments, or view the list like a Guestbook. You can even pick your favorite pin icons: people, flowers, pins and more!”


(don’t work=flash but it’s fancy)


applet java showing the world

the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, “From the Margin of the Writable Web”
some interesting trends on geo tagging.
see presentation


London Bloggers Tube Map
A Cal Henderson product

qui il formato prescelto per rappresentare un weblog sulla rete di metro di londra

stessa cosa per la citta’ di new york

There are a million blogs in the naked city.
Here’s where to find 2274 of them.

Please join us in a project to bring together New York City’s blogs:

The New York City Blogger Map.

The idea is simple:
A map of the city that shows where the bloggers are, organized by subway stop. Find out who’s blogging in your neighborhood!

There are no rings to join, no code to put on your page. Just fill out this form to add your blog to the map.

You can click on the map to start exploring. The overview map will show you how many blogs are in each borough, and the borough maps will show you how many blogs are at each station. Click on the station to get the list of blogs. You can also browse by subway line, using the buttons on the right. And you can search for a specific blog by name using the search feature.

this is a kind of collaborative mapping project. it consists of geographical models which are represented as RDF graphs. you can wander round them, like a MUD or MOO, with a bot interface which you can use to create and connect new places.


a plugin (ope source) for movable type


a repository of related info


se ne parla anche su alcuni giornali …
articoli abbastanza divulgativi quindi ….

– Get caught mapping, Jim ?McClellan, The Guardian (March 27, 2003).,3605,922337,00.html

– The Revenge of Geography The Economist (March 13, 2003)

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