School and Workshop on Structure and Function of Complex Networks

School and Workshop on Structure and Function of Complex Networks. 16 – 28 May 2005 at Abdus Salam ICTP – Trieste – Italy.
Even if the dealine for the application is already passed, it seems there are still some places. Check the poster (pdf): the invited speakers are just great! Note that “Although the main purpose of the Centre is to help research workers from developing countries, a limited number of students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also welcome to attend.” and “There is no registration fee to be paid” (via an email on SOCNET mailinglist of INSNA).

Main Topics:
– Characterization and modeling of complex networks;
– Socio-economic networks;
– Technological and communication networks;
– Biological and ecological networks.

Lecturers and Keynote Speakers:
L. Adamic (HP Labs., U.S.A.) R. Albert (Penn. State Univ., U.S.A.) A.-L. Barabasi (Notre Dame, U.S.A.) K. Borner (Indiana Univ., U.S.A.) G. Caldarelli (La Sapienza, Italy) S. Goyal (Essex, U.K.) *M. Granovetter (Stanford Univ., U.S.A.) S. Havlin (Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel) M. O. Jackson (Caltech, U.S.A.) M. Marsili (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) J. Mendes (Porto, Portugal) *M.J.E. Newman (Michigan Uni., U.S.A.) R. Pastor-Satorras (Catalunga, Spain) F. Vega-Redondo (Alicante, Spain) A. Vespignani (Indiana Univ., U.S.A.) * S. Wasserman (Harvard, U.S.A.) R. Zecchina (ICTP, Trieste, Italy)

List of Invited Speakers:
(updated as of January 2005) A. Barrat (Paris-Sud, France) B. Bollobas (Memphis Univ., U.S.A.) S. Bornholdt (Bremen, Germany) R. Burioni (Parma, Italy) A. Calvó (U. Aut. de Barcelona,Spain) R. Cowan (MERIT, Maastricht)) P. De Los Rios (EPFL, Switzerland) A. Diaz-Guilera (Barcelona, Spain) S. Dorogovtsev (Aveiro, Portugal) B. Dutta (Warwick, U.K.) M. Greiner (Siemens, Germany) * B. Huberman (HP Labs., U.S.A.) * S. Jain (University of Delhi, Delhi)) J. Kertesz (Budapest, Hungary) * A. Kirman (CNRS, France) B. Khang (Seoul, Korea) * S. Kirkpatrick (Jerusalem, Israel) * M. Lassig (Cologne, Germany) * S. Leibler (Rockefeller, U.S.A.) * S.S. Manna (Kolkata, India) N. Martinez (Berkeley, U.S.A.) S. Maslov (BNL, U.S.A.) * F. Menczer (Indiana Univ., U.S.A.) * R. Monasson (CNRS, France) * Z. Oltvai (Northwestern Univ., U.S.A.) * K. Sneppen (Niels Bohr Inst., Denmark) T. Snijders (Groningen) Z. Toroczkai (LANL, U.S.A.) * U. Upfal (Brown Univ., U.S.A.) A. Vazquez (Notre Dame, U.S.A.) T. Vicsek (ELTE, Hungary) M. Weigt (Gottingen, Germany) (* to be confirmed )

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is organizing a School and Workshop on Structure and Function of Complex Networks, to be held from 16 – 28 May 2005 in Trieste, Italy.
The Organizing Committee will be: A.-L. BARABASI (Notre Dame, U.S.A.), M. MARSILI (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), F. VEGA-REDONDO (Alicante, Spain), A. VESPIGNANI (Indiana University, U.S.A.) and R. ZECCHINA (ICTP, Trieste, Italy).
The Local Organizer will be G. BIANCONI (ICTP, Trieste, Italy).
The finding that many complex systems, from the man-made Internet to the evolutionshaped cell and to the network of social and economical interactions, can be studied and compared on the common ground of network theory, has propelled the field into the attention of the larger scientific community and turned network research into a truly interdisciplinary enterprise.
Measurements performed on a vast number of complex systems have indicated that the networks that underlie them are not random, but have common or specific features that make them suitable for their function. The rapid growth in interest in networks has created the need both for authoritative and pedagogical introductions, lowering the barriers for newcomers and for an exchange of new results and ideas.

Main Topics:
– Characterization and modeling of complex networks;
– Socio-economic networks;
– Technological and communication networks;
– Biological and ecological networks.

This activity is divided into two parts, the first week being a School in which established results in networks will be presented by the Lecturers and the second week, a Workshop to discuss present problems in economical, biological and technological networks. The Organizing Committee promote a call for contributed talks: please send applications, with title and abstract of the proposed talk, only by email to G. Bianconi: no later than 28 February 2005.

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