- Toronto TransitCamp: first BarCamp about transit.
A platform/BarCamp for Toronto’s design community and enthusiastic transit users and fans (designers, transit geeks, bloggers, visual artists, tech geeks and cultural creators) to demonstrate their creativity and contribute to a better transit system - Cartograms, Tag Clouds and Visualization
Convincing parallelism by syntactic replacements: "I’ve come to believe tag clouds could be to lists of metadata what cartograms are to maps; attempted solutions to similar visualization problems driven by common and historically consistent information ne - Outside the Market: The Rise of Peer Production
Something new is stirring outside the market. Linux, Wikipedia, PageRank—who would have predicted their success? Loosely-connected people are working together like never before to produce value. And they’re doing it outside—though often in interact - "Sharing Nicely: On shareable goods and the emergence of sharing as a modality of economic production" by Yochai Benkler
Magic paper enlightning situations in which sharing is more effective than market and state as a modality of economic production. It starts with case studies of distributed computing and carpooling as motivating problems. … - The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
Great book by Yochai Benkler. Released under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Sharealike license! - Given enough minds…: Bridging the ingenuity gap
A paper by my friend Hassan Masum trying to find an answer to "What would a sustainable open infrastructure dedicated to finding solutions to world problems such as climate change, poverty, hunger, etc?"
Links for 2007 01 31
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