Tag Archives: FOAF

FOAF file updated

I updated my FOAF file based on the new <foaf:knows> relationships I collected at the FOAF workshop. I took as an example the perfect Morten’s FOAF file.
Want to know if you are one of my friends? Check my FOAF file or analyze it via Semaview applet or via Foafspace (Foafspace graph applet does not work in my Firefox) or via FoafExplorer or via eikeon web view. Are there other tools that render a FOAF file?
I have encoded in it also some trust relationships and submitted to Trust and Reputation in Web Based Social Networks project. Why don’t you do the same?

Breakout sessions rules at FOAF workshop

In the FOAF workshop (Galway, 1-2 September 2004) (see previous entry), almost half of the time was devoted to Breakout sessions, sessions where everyone was free to propose a topic of discussion posting it on a wall and everyone was free to subscribe to any group. The rules of the breakout sessions were so cool I decided to report them verbatim below:

Principles of the Agenda Forming and Birds of a Feather (BOF) Discussion:
1. Whoever comes are the right people.
2. Whatever happens is the only right thing that could have happened.
3. Whenever it starts is the right time.
4. When it is over, it is over.

The Law of the Two Feet:
If you find yourself in a place where you are neither learning nor contributing, it is your responsability to leave and go to wherever there is greater potential for learning and contributing.

(Late) report on FOAF workshop

The FOAF workshop in Galway was almost 20 days ago, so the following report is a little bit late. Hope it can be useful at least as an historical memory.
It was fantastic to meet in flesh many people I just learnt to appreciate through their blogs. Many of the papers were very interesting. I especially like the idea of “Semantic cookies” (you keep your profile [as FOAF file] in a cookie and, with some trick, you give access to every site to it, sites can read it and give you a personalized experience) and “Bootstrapping the FOAF-Web: An Experiment in Social Network Mining” by Peter Mika (the idea is to use Google to infer social relationships among people). And there was also my paper of course. The presentation was so and so, I think I try to put too many concepts for a 15 minutes presentation. The only stuff I liked was the subtitle I wrote at the last second on the first slide: “Moleskiing: Climbing the peaks of FOAF”.
Almost half of the workshop was devoted to very interesting Breakout sessions.
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OpenMedia and Galway

[still looking for a friend(-of-a-friend)* offering me hospitality in Larnaca, Cyprus, from 25 to 29 Oct 2004.]
Marc is working on OpenMedia. The project is very interesting but what catched my eye is that in the picture explaining OpenMedia there is my picture (the one representing me on WebJay).
I’ll meet Marc at the FOAF conference in Galway, Ireland (we will have a dinner in the castle you can see in the image). I’m looking forward to meet Marc and the other people in the committee. It will be fun!

Paper accepted for Coopis → looking for cheap place in Cyprus (through 2 degrees of separation)

Good news: my paper “Trust-aware Collaborative Filtering for Recommender Systems” got accepted for Coopis2004.
Bad news: the conference is hyper-expensive.
So I’m looking for hyper-cheap (possibly free) hospitality in Larnaca, Cyprus, from 25 Oct to 29 Oct 2004. I checked on couchsurfing (a site where people offers ospitality in their houses and a super-cool YASN [yes, you can express your friends list]) but I found none in Cyprus.
If we take for true the six degree of separation theorem, I should be connected to everyone in Cyprus by only six degrees of separation. So I guess there should be at least some cypriots in my friends of friends set, now i only need to find one of the connecting friends. So if you know someone in Cyprus, please become my friend and close the circuit (and don’t forget to write down the path from me to the cypriot host in the comments below). Thanks.

FOAF Camp in The Netherlands

There will be a FOAF Camp (19-20 August 2004, Campus UTwente, The Netherlands).
In short, Two days of talking, hacking, socializing and making FOAF better. and more importantly W’re doing this for fun, not for profit, on a pure cost recovery basis – so bear with us as we sort out some details.
Together with 1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web (FOAF’2004), it will be a ubercool FOAF summer here in Europe!
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Call For Papers: 1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web

1st Workshop on Friend of a Friend, Social Networking and the Semantic Web (FOAF’2004)
*1-2 September 2004, Galway, Ireland*,
sponsored by SWAD-Europe and DERI

Many of the interesting conferences about these topics happen in USA. So, if you are in Europe, you cannot miss this one!
In the committee there are many people that I learn to know by email or by reading their blogs but I have never met. I hope to meet them physically in Galway.
(found via rdfweb mailing list)

This call for papers also appears in the Call for papers topicexchange channel and in Trust-related-conferences wiki page
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Workshops Committees

I’m writing a paper for Coopis2004 and have not too much time to blog. By the way, I’m in committee of 2 very interesting workshops:
Trust, Security, and Reputation on the Semantic Web (held at the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) from 7-11 November, 2004 in Hiroshima, Japan.)
Deadline for Submissions: July 16, 2004
Trust, Recommendations, Evidence and other Collaboration Know-how (TRECK) Track (track of the 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 -17, 2005)
Deadline for Submissions: Sept. 3, 2004

You are of course invited to submit challenging and innovative ideas!
I guess I should also update our wiki list of trust related conferences. In the meantime I ping http://topicexchange.com/t/calls_for_papers/