Tag Archives: social networking

Social Networking 4 Your Business talk

Few days ago, I gave a 4-hours talk in Bari for the initiative sponsored by Italian government and 4 universities “Imprenditori si diventa” (Entrepreneurs are made, not born). The presentation is embedded below.

It was a very interactive talk and I enjoyed it very much. I used for the first time VisibleTweets: students could write twitter messages with tag #isdsn and these tweets were automatically shown on another screen by VisibleTweets. Unfortunately not all students had a connection so it was less interactive than what I hoped but still very interesting [note for myself: VisibleTweets probably works better if the talk is given by at least two people because it is hard to read twits and talk, and the audience (as expected) challenges you and tries to “steal” the attention from you (to their witty twits)]. I also showed many videos (see the slides): from CommonCraft, from the movies Ratatouille and The pursuit of Happyness, some from Socialnomics.com and one by Corrado Guzzanti, an Italian comedian. It is incredible the power of movies in waking up your audience! ;)
The talk was full of real examples such as successes and failures in using Twitter, Facebook and other social media, both in the Italian context and worldwide (I didn’t avoid talking a bit about Wikipedia when exploring concepts such as wikinomics and crowdsourcing of course!)
There were some interesting projects by will-be entrepreneurs and I wish them all the best, for their future and the future of Italy.
Well, if you are interested in the slides, you can get them on Slideshare.

Library of Congress gives to every twit bibliographic status!

The Twitter fail whale error message.Every public tweet, ever, since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived digitally at the Library of Congress, the largest library in the world.
I’m still totally puzzled by how a so simple service (basically you can post 140 chars of text and nothing more) got so widely used! A typical Matthew effect (the rich gets richer)!
See more on official Library of Congress blog post “How Tweet It Is!: Library Acquires Entire Twitter Archive”.

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Image via Wikipedia

If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest country in the World!

Facebook is the third most populous country
According to stats published by Facebook, Facebook has currently 400,000,000 active users. This would make it the third most populous country in the world, after China and India.
Do you bet it will overtake India’s population (1,166,900,000)? In how many months?
(picture adapted from this image)

Social networking 4 your business

I presentation I gave on June 10th 2009 at Trentino Sviluppo, local agency in charge of developing local businesses. It is about the how and why (and why not) of using social networking systems such as Facebook or Twitter for small businesses. The slides are released under Creative Commons By-Attribution so share them, play with them, tear them apart! The only exception are the two photos below for which I don’t know who the copyright holder is. If you know please get in contact with me. Thanks!

The consequences of opensourcing Facebook code

Some weeks ago Facebook released its source code as Free and Open Source Software.
I’m very curious about the consequences of this action. Initially I was to suppose this choice would have been a tsunami in the social networking sites world, but I haven’t found many mentions of this around. So I tried to look around and to answer the question “Which were the consequences of Facebook making its code opensource?”.
I don’t have a clear idea, but it seems very small consequences.
How many clones of facebook popped up? Are they used? I haven’t found any facebook clone worth mentioning.

How many people downloaded the code? How many code patches were provided to Facebook? I guess one of the biggest intended consequences was this one: Facebook getting bug fixes, and chunks of code or suggestions on how to improve performances. Also, it is now easier, I think, for Facebook hiring new developers because they can know them in advance from the commits and suggestions they write about Facebook code. But for example there have been any exploit from people reading the code and finding weaknesses? Probably not, it is much more meaningful, if you discover a glitch to send an email just to Facebook to explain it, there is a chance Facebook might want to hire you as security expert.
Overall, Facebook is better off or worst off after the decision to release the code as Free Software? I was not able to get too much information about this and I’m a bit surprised. Actually I haven’t yet downloaded the code in order to test it. I was about to do it but then for Webvalley we decided to use BuddyPress so “check Facebook code” is still in the todo list.

Some interesting links which might be worth checking in more detail: open source projects on facebook wiki, the portal for developers on Facebook code (interesting!), Project Cassandra: Facebook’s Open Source Alternative to Google BigTable, the fact Google recently released its Protocol Buffers as open source, Facebook did it much earlier with Thrift.

So, did I miss something? What do you think were the consequences of Facebook opensourcing its code?

Not-so-virtual enemies: when Web2.0 affects your reality

Great article on Financial Times No place to hide. It tells two alarming stories for getting the idea and then analyzes the changes and threats social networking insert into our lifes.

1st story: Graham Mallaghan was recently feeling very awkward because he started to increasingly found himself being intimidated and threatened with no apparent explanation. Both his wife and him had the brakes on their bikes cut. People were take very close photos of him on their phone. Or people waiting for him and shouting abuse such as ‘Wait till he comes out, we’ll kick his f****** head in’.
Then Mallaghan discovered on Facebook a group called “For Those Who Hate The Little Fat Library Man”, dedicated to insulting him. Mallaghan is a library assistant at the University of Kent in Canterbury and one of his responsibilities is to enforce the library’s noise regulations, and he believes the group was set up by students unhappy with his efforts.
At its peak the group had 363 members.

2nd story: In August, Laura Evans received a private message from someone she had cut out of her life a few years previously. She had changed her phone number and e-mail, and even moved house in a bid to lose contact with certain people, and now they were back in her life. The ease with which they had found her came as a shock.
The message said: ‘I bet you didn’t think you’d find me on here, well here I am. You changed your number, like a coward’ Let’s just hope we never have to bump into one another ever again.’
‘I was just sat there staring at the computer in shock for hours; I just kept re-reading the message over and over. I don’t think I ever once thought about it being unsafe – you just log off if anyone annoys you. But here, at the click of a mouse, was one of the people I had worked hard to distance myself from, and he had thrown a knife at my online social bubble.’
Evans shut down her account last month, but admits that she still feels like she is missing out on something by not having one.

Changes and threats social networking insert into our lifes.
The networking currency is ‘friends’ ‘ online camaraderie expressed in the links that users create between their homepages and the pages of others members of the network.
Social networking has rapidly transformed the way we interact with each other, and has started to redefine the idea of friendship, making it something much more nebulous than in pre-web days. But where casual friendship thrives, so does casual enmity. The free association that social networking sites put within everyone’s reach cuts both ways, creating an equally fast, free and easy tool for those who do not want to be our friends. And the social pressure users feel to create more and more connections scatters personal information about themselves more and more indiscriminately.

The rest in the brilliant article on Financial Times No place to hide, also mentioning “The other side of social networking” sites such as Enemybook (allows you to add people as Facebook enemies below your friends, specify why they are enemies and notify them that they are enemies. You can also see who lists you as an enemy, and even become friends with the enemies of your enemies), Snubster (similar to Enemybook) and Hatebook (a sort of open forum for abuse and aggression)

(photo by MegElizabeth_ licensed under Creative Commons)