Yearly Archives: 2003

Revolution OS review

J.T.S. Moore: Revolution OS

Revolution OSI really liked this movie. It is not easy to make a movie about free software and not to make it boring or too technical. I think J.T.S. Moore made a great job and he didn’t commit any mistake with definitions of free software, open source, GNU, Linux, … or at least not a mistake I was able to spot out.
I like to put here an excerpt from the movie, one that made me feel part of something really great.

a final thought from the man who started it all:
“the all GNU project is really one big hack, it’s one big hack of subversive playfull cleverness, to change society for the better, because I’m always interested in changing it for the better … but in a clever way”
Richard M. Stallman

I like to put here an excerpt from the movie, one that made me feel part of something really great.

a final thought from the man who started it all:
“the all GNU project is really one big hack, it’s one big hack of subversive playfull cleverness, to change society for the better, because I’m always interested in changing it for the better … but in a clever way”
Richard M. Stallman



Ingegneria Senza Frontiere

Faccio parte di Ingegneria senza Frontiere – Trento – Sezione Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (ICT).

La sezione ICT (Information and Communication Technology) di Ingegneria senza Frontiere – Trento si interessa di come le nuove tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione possano essere usate per migliorare le condizioni di vita di TUTTI gli abitanti della Terra.

Ci preme sottolineare che la parola “Ingegneria” riflette solo l’approccio alla soluzione dei problemi, ma l’associazione NON e’ affatto limitata ad ingegneri, anzi!

Visita il sito di Ingegneria senza Frontiere – Trento – Sezione Informatica e Telecomunicazioni (ICT) per saperne di piu’.

Brazil is our last hope

Lula Ignazio da Silva, Brasil PresidentGNU (GNU's Not Unix)
If I look at the situation of democracy around the globe, I feel really bad. I think our last hope is Brazil and Lula and the participatory democracy adopted in Porto Alegre.

But this post is about free software.
Brazil believes that free software is an excellent tool for the democratization of knowledge, foreign currency savings, and the optimization of institutional investments and costs. The model also offers perspectives for Brazilian industries to research, create, and develop new free software programs.
Source: Brazzil (found on WorldChanging).
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Automatic Translations of this Blog

Thanks to the progress of Natural Language Processing you can experience this blog in many languages. The results are kind of weird but translating human language automatically is a very hard task because it requires the machine to “understand” what the human he’s speaking about.

For example:
Translate my English Blog to Chinese or

Translate my Italian Blog to Portuguese

You can find more languages if you continue reading.
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War on Spam has just started!

I signed Comment Spam Manifesto :: Kalsey Consulting Group.

I personally was about to try MT-Blacklist.
Up to now, this plugin for Movable Type use a text file such as blacklist.txt. I think we could share our blacklist files with something like Razor.

I also like a lot the idea of a Honeypot for spam harvesters but I don’t have a throw-away domain.
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The Technology of the Year: Social Network Applications

There is a very interesting article on Business, Business 2.0. The Technology of the Year: Social Network Applications

Social networking applies the power of the network to one of the most fundamental problems in all of business: finding the person who has the critical information you need, right when you need it.

There are all the cool companies playing the game: SixDegrees, Spoke, VisiblePath, Friendster, RyzeIn, ZeroDegrees. There is a mention about CIA interested in using these ideas and the article finishes with an important concern about privacy. is a free (as in freedom), complete, up-to-date and reliable world-wide travel guide.
Who create and update the guide? You! Yes, thanks to the disruptive technology called wiki, you can go on and edit the page about your city and your country or whatever page!
[Instruction: go to a wikitravel page, scroll to the bottom, click on “Edit this page” link, enjoy!]
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“European cows get a subsidy of $2.50 a day. We have 3 billion people in the world who live under $2 a day.”

President of the World Bank James D. Wolfensohn said “European cows get a subsidy of $2.50 a day. We have 3 billion people in the world who live under $2 a day. Japanese cows get $7.50 a day subsidy.” Reference: James Wolfensohn: Excerpts of Christian Science Monitor Interview on Poverty and Globalization, near the end of page. Or google.
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